Google Gravity Trick: A Fun Trick Simulating Gravitational Behaviour on a Google Search Page

Mr Dipak Tiwari
4 min readJun 12, 2024


Have you ever wished to see the elements of a Google search page come alive and behave as if influenced by gravity? Enter Google Gravity, a delightful trick that makes this possible. In this article, we’ll explore how to experience Google Gravity, why it’s so entertaining, and the history behind it. Get ready to have some fun!

What is Google Gravity?

Google Gravity is an amusing Easter egg created by Google that simulates the effect of gravity on the Google search page. When activated, the elements of the page — such as the search bar, buttons, and images — fall and tumble around as if pulled by gravitational forces. This playful trick offers a unique way to interact with the Google homepage, providing a break from its usual static layout.

How to Activate Google Gravity

Activating Google Gravity is a simple process. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Your Browser: Make sure your browser has JavaScript enabled.
  2. Go to Google’s Homepage: Type in your browser’s address bar.
  3. Search for Google Gravity: In the search bar, type “Google Gravity.”
  4. Click “I’m Feeling Lucky”: Instead of pressing the regular search button, click the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button. This will take you directly to the Google Gravity page.

Upon arrival, you’ll see the familiar Google search page before everything starts to collapse due to the simulated gravitational pull.

Click here! I’m Google Gravity.

Interacting with Google Gravity

Once on the Google Gravity page, you can interact with the elements in various fun ways:

  • Drag and Drop: Use your mouse or touchscreen to pick up and move the fallen elements around the page.
  • Stacking Elements: Challenge yourself to stack elements on top of each other.
  • Juggling: See how many elements you can keep in the air simultaneously.

To reset the page, simply refresh your browser, and everything will return to normal.

Also Read: How to Delete All Your Google Search Activity: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Exploring Google Easter Eggs

Google Gravity is just one of many Easter eggs created by Google. These hidden features and tricks are designed to entertain users and showcase the creativity of Google’s engineers. Some other popular Google Easter eggs include:

  • Do a Barrel Roll: Type “do a barrel roll” in the search bar and watch the entire page spin.
  • Zerg Rush: Type “zerg rush” and small ‘O’s will start attacking and consuming your search results.
  • Google Rainbow: Experience a colorful transformation of the search page.

These Easter eggs add a layer of fun to the otherwise straightforward search engine experience.

Why Google Gravity is Popular

The popularity of Google Gravity can be attributed to several factors:

  • Novelty: It’s a refreshing change from the usual static interface.
  • Interactivity: Users can engage with the elements, making it more than just a visual trick.
  • Shareability: It’s easy to show friends and family, making it a popular choice for pranks and demonstrations.
  • Nostalgia: Many users have fond memories of discovering and playing with Google Gravity when it was first introduced in 2009.

The Technical Side of Google Gravity

Google Gravity works through a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When you click “I’m Feeling Lucky,” the page redirects to a script created by Mr. Doob, a well-known developer of interactive web projects. The script manipulates the Document Object Model (DOM) to create the effect of gravity, making the elements appear to fall and interact with each other as if they had mass and weight.

Pranking Your Friends with Google Gravity

Google Gravity is an excellent tool for light-hearted pranks. To prank your friends:

  1. Prepare the Setup: Follow the steps to activate Google Gravity on their browser.
  2. Leave It Running: Ensure they use the browser without knowing about the trick.
  3. Watch Their Reaction: Enjoy their surprise as they see the elements fall and tumble.

This prank is harmless and guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Other Fun Google Tricks

Beyond Google Gravity, there are numerous other fun tricks you can try on Google:

  • Atari Breakout: Search for “Atari Breakout” in Google Images and play a classic game.
  • Pac-Man: Type “Pac-Man” and enjoy a round of the classic arcade game right on the search page.
  • Askew: Type “askew” and watch the page tilt slightly.

These tricks showcase Google’s playful side and provide users with engaging diversions.

FAQs on Google Gravity

Q1. What is the purpose of Google Gravity?

Google Gravity is primarily for entertainment. It demonstrates the capabilities of web technologies like JavaScript and provides users with a fun and interactive experience.

Q2. Is Google Gravity available on all browsers?

Google Gravity works on most modern browsers that support JavaScript, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Ensure JavaScript is enabled for the best experience.

Q3. Can I use Google Gravity on my smartphone?

Yes, Google Gravity can be accessed on smartphones and tablets. Simply follow the same steps to activate it in your mobile browser.

Q4. How do I turn off Google Gravity?

To turn off Google Gravity, refresh the browser page or navigate back to the standard Google homepage. This will reset the elements to their original positions.

Q5. Are there any other similar tricks to Google Gravity?

Yes, Google has many other Easter eggs like “Do a Barrel Roll,” “Zerg Rush,” and “Atari Breakout.” These tricks add a fun and unexpected element to the Google search experience.


Google Gravity is a delightful and engaging trick that brings a touch of fun to the Google search page. Whether you’re pranking friends or exploring Google Easter eggs, it offers a unique way to interact with one of the world’s most popular websites. Next time you’re in the mood for some light-hearted fun, give Google Gravity a try and enjoy the playful side of the internet.



Mr Dipak Tiwari

Blogger | Web developer | SEO Developer | Technician | writer | Reader | Ethical Hacker.Focus on technology and gadgets